Friday, August 13, 2010

What Dad always told me!!

As I was growing up..My Dad always told me that you can do what ever you want in life,
as long you set your mind to it!! Of course when I was a kid I said "Yeah Right!" I was a teenager that didn't see what he sees...Now the tables has turned..I found the two ingredients that was missing in his sentence and that is believe and love yourself!! Today my Dad see things in different perceptive, but I did learn some thing on my journey in life and I am still learning..I've taking some powerful courses that has change me into a new person..I know each day when I wake up in the morning it is best to wake up with a smile !! When you Love Yourself people see it in you.. For example I was visiting my daughter at work and I open the door an gentleman said " it is nice to see someone really smile instead looking gloomy all the time." Well that made by day even more!! Of course, I smile even more that day!! I've also learnt that we are all equal ..It does matter what sex, race, color, rich or poor you are!! We are all program from the day we were born, male or female, what color we brown yellow or white, what was right or wrong, don't do this but do this instead, and list goes on!! What we were not told is to believe in yourself and it is OK to dream and Love one another!! I see things more than my Dad sees now...beyond his comprehension. And why is that, it is because he is caught up with today's society all the News and Politics. There is too much negativity in this world and he is not willing to go on and start dreaming again. You see my Dad forgot to Dream, believe and Love one another. Don't get me wrong he does Love me, but it took years before that he would say it.. Now he tells me all the time. As for Dreams..Well dreams are OK, but he is more a practical and realistic person. That is where I am different from him!! I Also Believe in the unseen.. I see thing that are not there, but in my mind they are there and it just a matter of time for it will come true..For I Believe !! The One thing that we do have in common that we both have is the determination to get what we want or done in life!! Don't get me wrong my Dad does have his own vision and he does get things accomplish, but in a different way!! You see we were all brought up with family tradition and values which is OK, but we all can broaden our horizon by seeing the unthinkable like Albert Eintien. Did you know that they have preserve his brain to see how it works? Of Course they will not find the answer there, for it is beyond their knowledge and Belief. So getting back to my Dad's comment " you can do what ever you want in life,
as long you set your mind to it!" I believe this with all my heart and soul as long as I don't don't stop dreaming. Once a person stops dreaming then you are stuck where you are in life plus you have to Love what you are doing and if you don't love it, then change it. Nobody can do it for you, only yourself!! That even goes for me..I can't blame anybody for my mistakes only myself and in order to correct that I need to change the way the I think!! One thing I have to mention is the Canadian Winter Olympics 2010 their theme song"BELIEVE." The Canadians Olympians believe in themselves so much that they were determine to make it the best Olympics ever. You know what, they did just that..they won the most Gold medals in Olympic History plus it happened on their own Country!! So Don't tell Me that You Cannot do it because..... We all can do it!! Just Keep Believing and Love Yourself and be Persistence and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on your Dreams!!

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